Beaded Beauty !

Beaded Beauty !
Hand made brown leather purse with a 18" braided strap messures 81/2 x 51/2 all hand beaded $35.00 plus shipping

Monday, October 6, 2014

Good Morning !!
I hope you all had a great weekend ,I took a break from creating and spent some time with my hubby we had a wonderful time . Saturday was fill with adding new members to our family . I would like to introduce Buddy and Emmy Lou !
  They are too cute but I'm not use to having new babies in the house again . Boy are they alot of work !!
I was spoiled with my Fluffly she knew what she could get on or not ,Here we go again starting from the beginning. It will all fall into place I'm sure ,but for now I have to hold on for the ride !

Then On Sunday my hubby wanted doughnuts ,Oh and not just any doughnuts we had to go to Eagle Bay Doughnut shop and get their cinnamon sugar ones . ( I have to admit they are soooo Yummy ), don't tell the Hubby  !
Then after he got his sugar fix,we spent the day visiting our favorite spots. I can never get enough of my mountains .

6th lake Inlet New York ,my second home !

On our way home we seen some deer in a parking lot in Old Forge,so we thought it was a great photo op! We got more then we expected !

A beautiful mama and her babes,then we got our surprise ! she walked over to our car and introduced herself.

Well I'm off ,it is Monday and I've got a boat load of things calling  my name.
Be well !